Dischetti diagrammaÂ
Scatola da 100 pezziÂ
Scala 125Km/hÂ
Omologati CEE
Discovery 1 Roof RacksÂ
Anti-theft key lockÂ
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Section: 48xH23mmÂ
Length of bars: 82cmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: BlackÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Discovery 1 Roof RacksÂ
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Anti-theft key lockÂ
Section: 48xH23mmÂ
Length of bars: 82cmÂ
Material: Aluminum
Color: White
Load: 75 KgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Discovery 1 Roof Racks
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Section: 48xH23mmÂ
Length of bars: 82cmÂ
Material: Aluminum
Color: White
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Discovery 2 Roof RacksÂ
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Section: 48xH23mmÂ
Length of bars: 82cmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: BlackÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Discovery 3 Roof Racks
For cars with wide roofsÂ
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Section: 48xH23mmÂ
Length of bars: 102.5cmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: BlackÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Dispositivo antiabbandono Besafe da smartphoneÂ
Facilmente adattabile a tutti i seggiolini, da posizionarsi sulla seduta sopra il cuscino Â
Tecnologia Bluetooth Low Energy Â
Compatibile con iOS /Android Â
Sfoderabile e lavabile Â
Possibilità di connettere 4 dispositivi Â
Avviso con notifica (allarme sonoro) sullo smartphone Â
In caso di mancata risposta invia SMS  ai numeri telefonici (preimpostati) indicando le coordinate geografiche dell’auto
Tecnologia di comunicazione bluetooth low energy; banda di frequenza 2.4 - 2.485 ghz; potenza di trasmissione: 2.51 mw
Alimentazione a batteria cr 2430 non ricaricabile; temperatura di funzionamento: -20°c +60°c
Dispositivo antiabbandono BSA-1 da prese accendisigariÂ
Facilmente adattabile a tutti i seggiolini
Sensore da applicare sotto il tappetino di seduta
Display luminoso nella presa accendisigari (luce verde/luce rossa)
Si accende la luce verde e dopo circa 5 minuti emette 2 bip per confermare la presenza del bambino sul seggiolino
Allarme visivo (rosso) e sonoro in caso di presenza del bambino sul seggiolino ad auto spenta
Presa USB 1A sul display per eventuali ricariche di altri apparecchi
Trasmissione wireless
Confezione minima da 20 pezziÂ
Tappeto in gomma
Dimensioni: 47x34cm
2 facce, 2 disegni= doppia durataÂ
Dual lock per telepassÂ
Confezione 10 pezzi
Adesivo 3DÂ
Dual lock telepass 2021Â
Confezione 2 pezziÂ
Sistema di fissaggio rimovibile, a pressione, per il nuovo Telepass 2021
Base con adesivo acrilico trasparente e peduncoli a forma di fungo.Â
Fissaggio tenace, anche tra materiali con diversa composizione, ottima resistenza e durata nel tempo.Â
Confezione minima da 20 pezziÂ
Tappeto in gomma
Dimensioni 45x44 cmÂ
2 facce, 2 disegni= doppia durataÂ
Dimensions: Length 132 cm Width 78 cm Height 36 cmÂ
Load capacity 320 litersÂ
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel
Central locking with key
Color: Gray Â
Ultra-rapid attachment
Made from UV-resistant materialsÂ
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm
Load capacity 50 kgÂ
TÃœV NORD GS approvedÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cmÂ
Load capacity 420 litersÂ
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling
Central locking with key
Color: GrayÂ
Ultra-rapid attachmentÂ
Made from UV-resistant materialsÂ
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm
Load capacity 50 kgÂ
TÃœV NORD GS approvedÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cmÂ
Load capacity 420 litersÂ
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling
Central locking with key
Color: Gray or glossy black Â
Ultra-rapid attachmentÂ
Made from UV-resistant materialsÂ
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm
Load capacity 50 kgÂ
TÃœV NORD GS approvedÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Dimensions: Length 198 cm Width 78 cm Height 40 cmÂ
Load capacity 480 litersÂ
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel
Central locking with key
Color: GrayÂ
Ultra-rapid attachment Â
Made from UV-resistant materialsÂ
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm
Load capacity 50 kgÂ
TÃœV NORD GS approvedÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cm
Load capacity 420 liters
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling
Central locking with key
Color : matte black
Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide
Made from UV-resistant materials
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm
Load capacity 50 kg
TÃœV NORD GS approved
Made in Italy
Dimensions: Length 132 cm Width 78 cm Height 36 cm
Load capacity 320 liters
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel
Central locking with key
Color : matte black
Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide
Made from UV-resistant materials
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm
Load capacity 50 kg
TÃœV NORD GS approved
Made in Italy
Dimensions: Length 198 cm Width 78 cm Height 40 cm
Load capacity 480 liters
Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel
Central locking with key
Color : matte black
Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide
Made from UV-resistant materials
Right side opening
For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm
Load capacity 50 kg
TÃœV NORD GS approved
Made in Italy
4 rubber mats including:
2 front and 2 rear universal
Can be cut outÂ
Front mats size 45x70cmÂ
Roof Racks FamilyÂ
Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof materialÂ
Anti-theft key lockÂ
Section: 41xH23mmÂ
Length of telescopic bars: min.82cm max 122cm
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: Black
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Confezione da 25 fascetteÂ
Fascette in acciaio inoxÂ
Made in italyÂ
Larghezza banda 8 mm, diametro 8-12 mm
Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 12-20 mm
Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 16-25 mm
Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 25-40 mm
Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabileÂ
Per le cuffie in gommaÂ
Lunghezza 200mm
Larghezza 4,6mm
Confezione 100 pezzi
Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabileÂ
Per le cuffie in gommaÂ
Lunghezza 360mm
Larghezza 7,9mm
Confezione 50 pezzi
Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabileÂ
Per le cuffie in gommaÂ
Lunghezza 520mm
Larghezza 7,9mm
Confezione 50 pezzi
Confezione da 100 fascetteÂ
Fascette trasparenti in NylonÂ
Made in italyÂ
Rear folding bike rack
Electro-welded aluminum materialÂ
Soft scratch-resistant rubber supportsÂ
Foldable bike rackÂ
Carries up to 3 bicyclesÂ
Load capacity: 45 kgÂ
Frame height: 95 cmÂ
Channel distance: 15 cmÂ
Channel load: 15 KgÂ
Channel length: 125 cmÂ
Tire size: 2"/5.1 cm
Wheelbase: 117 cmÂ
Does not cover license plateÂ
Additional arms for 1 and 2 bikes to be purchased separatelyÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Rear folding bike rack
Carries up to 3 bicyclesÂ
Load capacity: 45 KgÂ
TUV approved
Made in ItalyÂ
Confezione 2 pezziÂ
Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plasticaÂ
Diametro 9 mm
Lunghezza 100 cmÂ
Omologato TUVÂ
Confezione 2 pezziÂ
Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plasticaÂ
Diametro 9 mm
Lunghezza 150 cmÂ
Omologato TUVÂ
Confezione 2 pezziÂ
Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plasticaÂ
Diametro 9 mm
Lunghezza 200 cmÂ
Omologato TUVÂ
Fodera anteriore per sedile singoloÂ
Colore neroÂ
Ok air bag lateralÂ
Set di 2 fodere anterioriÂ
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Fodere SparcoÂ
Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Colore grigio/neroÂ
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Fodere SparcoÂ
Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Colore neroÂ
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Fodere SparcoÂ
Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Colore blu/nero
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Fodere MomoÂ
Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Colore nero
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)
Seduta e schienali separatiÂ
Colore grigio/nero
Ok air bag lateraliÂ
Fodera anteriore per sedile doppio
Schienale e seduta separatiÂ
Colore neroÂ
Ok air bag lateralÂ
Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiatoÂ
Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotoneÂ
Colore nero
Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiatoÂ
Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotoneÂ
Colore grigioÂ
Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiatoÂ
Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotoneÂ
Colore bluÂ
Set of 2 front rubber matsÂ
Cut outÂ
Size: 52x75cmÂ
Rubber mats for minivans, vans with center deckÂ
Pack of 4 piecesÂ
NO Style, Scout, Strike and Zeus
Fusibili blister da 10 pezziÂ
3 Ah (1 pezzo)
5 Ah (1 pezzo)
7,5 Ah (1 pezzo)
10 Ah (2 pezzi)
15 Ah (1 pezzo)
20 Ah (2 pezzi)
25 Ah (1 pezzo)
30 Ah (1 pezzo)
Gabbia PortabagagliÂ
Lunghezza 100cmÂ
Larghezza 110cmÂ
Ok anche per barre professional
Made in ItalyÂ
Gabbia PortabagagliÂ
Lunghezza 130cmÂ
Larghezza 110cmÂ
Ok anche per barre professional
Portata 50 KgÂ
Omologato TUVÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Geo 3 Roof Racks
For cars with wide roofsÂ
Telescopic bar length from 111 cm to 132 cmÂ
Locking with anti-theft keyÂ
Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon endsÂ
Section: 60xH25mmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: BlackÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Geo Roof Racks
Telescoping bar length from 80 cm to 111 cmÂ
Locking with anti-theft keyÂ
Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon endsÂ
Section: 60xH25mmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: BlackÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Geo Roof Racks
Telescoping bar length from 80 cm to 111 cmÂ
Locking with anti-theft keyÂ
Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon endsÂ
Section: 60xH25mmÂ
Material: Galvanized steelÂ
Color: SilverÂ
Load: 75kgÂ
Excluding KitÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Gev snow socks size L
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Gev snow socks size M
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Gev snow socks size S
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Gev snow socks size XL
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Gev snow socks size XS
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Gev snow socks size XXL
EN 16662-1 approved
Only 6 sizes for all wheels
Quick and easy to install
Non-vibrating, quiet
100% durable 3D fabric
Quick and easy to install
2-piece pack
Check fit below:
Confezione 100 pezzi
Mix di giubbini gialli e arancioniÂ
4 rubber mats including:
2 front and 2 rear universal
Can be cut outÂ
Front mats size 52x75cmÂ
Rear mats size 51x43cmÂ
Gonfia e ripara le gomme della tua autoÂ
Spray lineÂ
300 mlÂ
500 mlÂ
Nastro telato americanoÂ
Tenuta eccezionaleÂ
Colore neroÂ
Lunghezza 11 metriÂ
Larghezza 4,8 cmÂ
Made in USA, super tecnico e tenace a 3 strati
Gravity cell phone holder for vents
By leaning the product against the vents, the bracket extends
Gravity suction cup cell phone holderÂ
Leaning on the product, the bracket extends
Confezione da 100Â guantiÂ
Resistenti a benzinaÂ
Misura L
Misura XL
Confezione da 50Â guantiÂ
Speciale grip 3D su tutto il palmoÂ
Idoneo ad usi pesantiÂ
Misura L
Misura XL
Confezione da 10000 guantiÂ
10 scatole ognuno delle quali contenente 100 guantiÂ
Guanti usa e getta per pompe di benzinaÂ
Materiale in polietilene ruvidoÂ
Confezione da 1000 guantiÂ
Guanti usa e getta per pompe di benzinaÂ
Materiale in polietilene ruvidoÂ
Rubber front mat (1 piece)Â
Size: 150X74cm Â
Carpet for minivans, vans,4x4...
Rubber back mat (1 piece)Â
Size: 150X60cm Â
Carpet for minivans, vans,4x4...
Hail coverings for carsÂ
MEASURE S: Length 400cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cmÂ
MEASURE M: Length 425cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cmÂ
MEASURE L: Length 475cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cmÂ
MEASURE XL: Length 525cm Height 120cm Width 175cmÂ
MEASURE XXL: Length 575cm Height 120cm Width 203cm
Hail covers for suvÂ
MEASURE S:Length 430cm Height 145cm Width 165cmÂ
MEASURE M:Length 460cm Height 145cm Width 175cm Â
MEASURE L:Length 490cm Height 145cm Width 185cmÂ
MEASURE XL: Length 520cm Height 155cm Width 185cm
Igienizzante Abitacoli
150 ml
pulisce ed elimina i batteri dai sistemi di climatizzazione e dell’abitacolo dell’auto
Igienizzante Abitacoli
150 ml
Pulisce ed elimina i batteri dai sistemi di climatizzazione e dell’abitacolo dell’auto
Kata magnetic ski rackÂ
Magnetic plates: 24x30cmÂ
For 2 pairs of skis or 2 snowboardsÂ
Ok carving, downhill or cross-country skis
Color: BlackÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
TÃœV NORD GS approvedÂ
Complies with the ISO/PASS11154:2007 standard Â
City Crash Test, Dynamic Test and Static TestÂ
Confezione minima da 10 pezziÂ
Tappeto anteriore in gommaÂ
Dimensioni: 42x55cmÂ
Kit 1
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 10
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 16
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 18
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 19
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 23
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 24
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 25
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 3
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 30
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 32
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 33
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 35
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 36
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 38
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 4
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
For bars with rails, sizes
No. 2 25x20 mm, height 20 mm;
No. 2 25x20 mm, height 35 mmF
Kit 40
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 41
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 43
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 44
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 46
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 47
Kit staffe per barre Gev
Per auto senza barre longitudinali
Da aggiungersi ad uno dei seguenti modelli:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 48
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 49
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 5
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 52
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 53
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 54
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 55
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 56
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 57
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 58
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 59
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 6
Kit staffe per barre Gev
Per auto senza barre longitudinali
Da aggiungersi ad uno dei seguenti modelli:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 60
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 61
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 62
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 63
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 64
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 65
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 66
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 67
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 68
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 69
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 70
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 71
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 72
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 73
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 74
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 75
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 76
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 77
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 78
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 79
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 8 buttons for license plate holderÂ
7 blueÂ
1 whiteÂ
2 white hooksÂ
Kit 80
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 81
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 82
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 83
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 84
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 85
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Kit 9
Gev bar bracket kit
For cars without longitudinal bars
To be added to one of the following models:
Discovery 1
Discovery 2
Discovery 3
Completo di compressore e liquido sigillanteÂ
Sostitutivo della ruota di scorta per autoÂ
In 5 minuti sei di nuovo in viaggio senza cric e ruota di scortaÂ
Made in USAÂ
Completo di compressore e 2 flaconi di liquido sigillanteÂ
Sostitutivo della ruota di scorta per autoÂ
In 5 minuti sei di nuovo in viaggio senza cric e ruota di scortaÂ
Made in USAÂ
Art. 4850 (Kit C)
Family kit to be added to bar 4842
Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic materialÂ
Specific for Panda I series up to 2002Â
Made in ItalyÂ
Art. 4851 (Kit B)
Family kit to be added to bar 4842
Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic materialÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Art. 4849 (Kit A)
Family kit to be added to bar 4842
Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic materialÂ
Made in ItalyÂ
Art. 4852 (Kit D)
Family kit to be added to bar 4842
Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic materialÂ
Specific for Panda I series up to 2002Â
Made in ItalyÂ