SKU: 4125
Brand: N/A

Dischetti diagramma 

Scatola da 100 pezzi 

Scala 125Km/h 

Omologati CEE

SKU: 4802
Brand: N/A

Disco orario CEE

Dimensioni: 15x12cm

SKU: K4802
Brand: N/A

Disco orario carbon look

Dimensioni: 10x10cm

SKU: 5600
Brand: N/A

Discovery 1 Roof Racks 

Anti-theft key lock 

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Section: 48xH23mm 

Length of bars: 82cm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 



SKU: A5600
Brand: N/A

Discovery 1 Roof Racks 

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Anti-theft key lock 

Section: 48xH23mm 

Length of bars: 82cm 

Material: Aluminum

Color: White

Load: 75 Kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: A5500
Brand: N/A

Discovery 1 Roof Racks

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Section: 48xH23mm 

Length of bars: 82cm 

Material: Aluminum

Color: White

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: 5500
Brand: N/A

Discovery 2 Roof Racks 

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Section: 48xH23mm 

Length of bars: 82cm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 5501
Brand: N/A

Discovery 3 Roof Racks

For cars with wide roofs 

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Section: 48xH23mm 

Length of bars: 102.5cm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: 5201
Brand: N/A

Dispositivo antiabbandono Besafe da smartphone 

Facilmente adattabile a tutti i seggiolini, da posizionarsi sulla seduta sopra il cuscino  

Tecnologia Bluetooth Low Energy  

Compatibile con iOS /Android  

Sfoderabile e lavabile  

Possibilità di connettere 4 dispositivi  

Avviso con notifica (allarme sonoro) sullo smartphone  

In caso di mancata risposta invia SMS  ai numeri telefonici (preimpostati) indicando le coordinate geografiche dell’auto

Tecnologia di comunicazione bluetooth low energy; banda di frequenza 2.4 - 2.485 ghz; potenza di trasmissione: 2.51 mw

Alimentazione a batteria cr 2430 non ricaricabile; temperatura di funzionamento: -20°c +60°c

SKU: 5204
Brand: N/A

Dispositivo antiabbandono BSA-1 da prese accendisigari 

Facilmente adattabile a tutti i seggiolini

Sensore da applicare sotto il tappetino di seduta

Display luminoso nella presa accendisigari (luce verde/luce rossa)

Si accende la luce verde e dopo circa 5 minuti emette 2 bip per confermare la presenza del bambino sul seggiolino

Allarme visivo (rosso) e sonoro in caso di presenza del bambino sul seggiolino ad auto spenta

Presa USB 1A sul display per eventuali ricariche di altri apparecchi

Trasmissione wireless

SKU: 8808
Brand: N/A

Demineralized water for batteries 

Capacity: 1 or 5 liters

SKU: 4072/20
Brand: N/A

Confezione minima da 20 pezzi 

Tappeto in gomma

Dimensioni: 47x34cm

2 facce, 2 disegni= doppia durata 

SKU: 4568
Brand: N/A

Dual lock 

Confezione 4 pezzi 


Dimensioni 25x60mm

SKU: 4566
Brand: N/A

Dual lock per telepass 

Confezione 2 pezzi

Adesivo 3D 

SKU: 4569/10
Brand: N/A

Dual lock per telepass 

Confezione 10 pezzi

Adesivo 3D 

SKU: 4567
Brand: N/A

Dual lock telepass 2021 

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Sistema di fissaggio rimovibile, a pressione, per il nuovo Telepass 2021

Base con adesivo acrilico trasparente e peduncoli a forma di fungo. 

Fissaggio tenace, anche tra materiali con diversa composizione, ottima resistenza e durata nel tempo. 

SKU: 3158/20
Brand: N/A

Confezione minima da 20 pezzi 

Tappeto in gomma

Dimensioni 45x44 cm 

2 facce, 2 disegni= doppia durata 

SKU: 9017
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 132 cm Width 78 cm Height 36 cm 

Load capacity 320 liters 

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel

Central locking with key

Color: Gray  

Ultra-rapid attachment

Made from UV-resistant materials 

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm

Load capacity 50 kg 

TÜV NORD GS approved 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 9018
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cm 

Load capacity 420 liters 

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling

Central locking with key

Color: Gray 

Ultra-rapid attachment 

Made from UV-resistant materials 

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm

Load capacity 50 kg 

TÜV NORD GS approved 

Made in Italy 

SKU: N9018
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cm 

Load capacity 420 liters 

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling

Central locking with key

Color: Gray or glossy black   

Ultra-rapid attachment 

Made from UV-resistant materials 

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm

Load capacity 50 kg 

TÜV NORD GS approved 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 9020
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 198 cm Width 78 cm Height 40 cm 

Load capacity 480 liters 

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel

Central locking with key

Color: Gray 

Ultra-rapid attachment   

Made from UV-resistant materials 

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 70 mm, height 15-40 mm

Load capacity 50 kg 

TÜV NORD GS approved 

Made in Italy 

SKU: E9018
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 145 cm Width 94 cm Height 40 cm

Load capacity 420 liters

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening while traveling

Central locking with key

Color : matte black

Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide

Made from UV-resistant materials

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm

Load capacity 50 kg

TÃœV NORD GS approved

Made in Italy


SKU: E9017
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 132 cm Width 78 cm Height 36 cm

Load capacity 320 liters

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel

Central locking with key

Color : matte black

Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide

Made from UV-resistant materials

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm

Load capacity 50 kg

TÃœV NORD GS approved

Made in Italy

SKU: E9020
Brand: N/A

Dimensions: Length 198 cm Width 78 cm Height 40 cm

Load capacity 480 liters

Front safety lock to prevent the box from opening during travel

Central locking with key

Color : matte black

Fastened with U-shaped brackets 80mm wide

Made from UV-resistant materials

Right side opening

For bars with max. width 80mm, max. height 15-35mm

Load capacity 50 kg

TÃœV NORD GS approved

Made in Italy

SKU: 4827/25
Brand: N/A

Rubber carpet

Size: 47x34cm


SKU: 81499/2
Brand: N/A

in RUBBER, for 9142, 9143 and 8978

SKU: 81493/65
Brand: N/A

Espositore per Stilo ritocco

SKU: 8997
Brand: N/A

Estintore a polvere 

1 Kg


SKU: 8999
Brand: N/A

Estintore a polvere 

2 Kg


SKU: 4974
Brand: N/A

4 rubber mats including:

2 front and 2 rear universal

Can be cut out 

Front mats size 45x70cm 

SKU: 4842
Brand: N/A

Roof Racks Family 

Bars with sheaths and ends made of shockproof material 

Anti-theft key lock 

Section: 41xH23mm 

Length of telescopic bars: min.82cm max 122cm

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: C812/25
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 25 fascette 

Fascette in acciaio inox 

Made in italy 

Larghezza banda 8 mm, diametro 8-12 mm

Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 12-20 mm

Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 16-25 mm

Larghezza banda 9 mm, diametro 25-40 mm

SKU: 20046/1C
Brand: N/A

Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabile 

Per le cuffie in gomma 

Lunghezza 200mm

Larghezza 4,6mm

Confezione 100 pezzi

SKU: 36079/50
Brand: N/A

Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabile 

Per le cuffie in gomma 

Lunghezza 360mm

Larghezza 7,9mm

Confezione 50 pezzi

SKU: 52079/50
Brand: N/A

Fascette autobloccanti in acciaio inossidabile 

Per le cuffie in gomma 

Lunghezza 520mm

Larghezza 7,9mm

Confezione 50 pezzi

SKU: T4960/1C
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 100 fascette 

Fascette trasparenti in Nylon 

Made in italy 

SKU: 8984
Brand: N/A

Rear folding bike rack

Electro-welded aluminum material 

Soft scratch-resistant rubber supports 

Foldable bike rack 

Carries up to 3 bicycles 

Load capacity: 45 kg 

Frame height: 95 cm 

Channel distance: 15 cm 

Channel load: 15 Kg 

Channel length: 125 cm 

Tire size: 2"/5.1 cm

Wheelbase: 117 cm 

Does not cover license plate 

Additional arms for 1 and 2 bikes to be purchased separately 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 9142
Brand: N/A

Rear folding bike rack

Carries up to 3 bicycles 

Load capacity: 45 Kg 

TUV approved

Made in Italy 

SKU: 6300
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 8 mm

Lunghezza 100 cm 

SKU: 6303
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 10 mm

Lunghezza 100 cm 

SKU: 6301
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 8 mm

Lunghezza 150 cm 

SKU: 6304
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 10 mm

Lunghezza 150 cm 

SKU: 6305
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 10 mm

Lunghezza 200 cm 

SKU: 6302
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 8 mm

Lunghezza 200 cm 

SKU: 6294
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 8 mm

Lunghezza 50 cm 

SKU: 6295
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Diametro 10 mm

Lunghezza 50 cm 

SKU: 6387
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plastica 

Diametro 9 mm

Lunghezza 100 cm 

Omologato TUV 

SKU: 6388
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plastica 

Diametro 9 mm

Lunghezza 150 cm 

Omologato TUV 

SKU: 6389
Brand: N/A

Confezione 2 pezzi 

Fissabagagli con gancio in acciaio rivestito in plastica 

Diametro 9 mm

Lunghezza 200 cm 

Omologato TUV 

SKU: 8775
Brand: N/A

Pack of 4 pieces 


SKU: 4785
Brand: N/A

Fodera anteriore per sedile singolo 

Colore nero 

Ok air bag lateral 

SKU: 13326
Brand: N/A

Set di 2 fodere anteriori 

Seduta e schienali separati 

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: S1016/GR
Brand: N/A

Fodere Sparco 

Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)

Seduta e schienali separati 

Colore grigio/nero 

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: S1016/NE
Brand: N/A

Fodere Sparco 

Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)

Seduta e schienali separati 

Colore nero 

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: S1011
Brand: N/A

Fodere Sparco 

Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)

Seduta e schienali separati 

Colore blu/nero

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: 5341
Brand: N/A

Fodere Momo 

Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)

Seduta e schienali separati 

Colore nero

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: 13306
Brand: N/A

Set completo da 4 fodere (anteriori + posteriori)

Seduta e schienali separati 

Colore grigio/nero

Ok air bag laterali 

SKU: 4786
Brand: N/A

Fodera anteriore per sedile doppio

Schienale e seduta separati 

Colore nero 

Ok air bag lateral 

SKU: 28257
Brand: N/A

Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiato 

Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotone 

Colore nero

SKU: 28257
Brand: N/A

Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiato 

Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotone 

Colore grigio 

SKU: 28257
Brand: N/A

Foderina coprisedile anteriore singola in tessuto accoppiato 

Materiale 80% poliestere 20% cotone 

Colore blu 

SKU: 4015
Brand: N/A

2 rubber mats 

Size 46x70cm 

SKU: 4016
Brand: N/A

2 rubber mats 

Size 50x70cm 

SKU: 4029
Brand: N/A

Set of 2 front rubber mats 

Cut out 

Size: 52x75cm 

Rubber mats for minivans, vans with center deck 

SKU: 81499/L
Brand: N/A

Pack of 4 pieces 

NO Style, Scout, Strike and Zeus

SKU: 81499/M
Brand: N/A


Only for Style box (...2015)

SKU: 1657
Brand: N/A

Fune traino elastica e ammortizzata 

Portata 2000 kg 

SKU: 1655
Brand: N/A

Fune traino a cinghia 4WD 

Portata 5000 kg 

Lunghezza 6 metri 

SKU: 4382/D
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 100 pezzi 

Fusibili by MTA

SKU: 4383
Brand: N/A

Fusibili blister da 10 pezzi 

3 Ah (1 pezzo)

5 Ah (1 pezzo)

7,5 Ah (1 pezzo)

10 Ah (2 pezzi)

15 Ah (1 pezzo)

20 Ah (2 pezzi)

25 Ah (1 pezzo)

30 Ah (1 pezzo)

SKU: 6181
Brand: N/A

Gabbia Portabagagli 


Lunghezza 100cm 

Larghezza 110cm 

Ok anche per barre professional

Made in Italy 

SKU: 4881
Brand: N/A

Gabbia Portabagagli 


Lunghezza 130cm 

Larghezza 110cm 

Ok anche per barre professional

Portata 50 Kg 

Omologato TUV 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 950
Brand: N/A

Coppia di ganci abarth 

SKU: 1450
Brand: N/A

Confezione 50 pezzi 

Diametro 8 mm

Colore giallo 

SKU: 1451
Brand: N/A

Confezione 50 pezzi 

Diametro 10 mm

Colore nero 

SKU: 6021
Brand: N/A

Confezione 1 coppia 


Misure 50x14cm 

SKU: 9201
Brand: N/A

Geo 3 Roof Racks

For cars with wide roofs 

Telescopic bar length from 111 cm to 132 cm 

Locking with anti-theft key 

Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon ends 

Section: 60xH25mm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: 9200
Brand: N/A

Geo Roof Racks

Telescoping bar length from 80 cm to 111 cm 

Locking with anti-theft key 

Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon ends 

Section: 60xH25mm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Black 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: S9200
Brand: N/A

Geo Roof Racks

Telescoping bar length from 80 cm to 111 cm 

Locking with anti-theft key 

Bars with sheaths made of shockproof material and ultra-strong nylon ends 

Section: 60xH25mm 

Material: Galvanized steel 

Color: Silver 

Load: 75kg 

Excluding Kit 

Made in Italy 


SKU: 13736B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size L

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 13735B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size M

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 13734B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size S

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 13737B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size XL

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 13733B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size XS

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 13738B
Brand: N/A

Gev snow socks size XXL

EN 16662-1 approved

Only 6 sizes for all wheels

Quick and easy to install

Non-vibrating, quiet

100% durable 3D fabric

Quick and easy to install

2-piece pack

Check fit below:

SKU: 9113
Brand: N/A


Colore giallo o arancione 


SKU: 9112
Brand: N/A

Confezione singola 

Colore giallo o arancione 


SKU: 9112/1C
Brand: N/A

Confezione 100 pezzi

Mix di giubbini gialli e arancioni 


SKU: 4018
Brand: N/A

4 rubber mats including:

2 front and 2 rear universal

Can be cut out 

Front mats size 52x75cm 

Rear mats size 51x43cm 

SKU: 8795
Brand: N/A

Gonfia e ripara le gomme della tua auto 

Spray line 

300 ml 


500 ml 

SKU: N4563
Brand: N/A

Nastro telato americano 

Tenuta eccezionale 

Colore nero 

Lunghezza 11 metri 

Larghezza 4,8 cm 

Made in USA, super tecnico e tenace a 3 strati

SKU: 3654
Brand: N/A

Gravity cell phone holder for vents

By leaning the product against the vents, the bracket extends

SKU: 3653
Brand: N/A

Gravity suction cup cell phone holder 

Leaning on the product, the bracket extends

SKU: 6395
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 100 guanti 

Misura L

SKU: 6394/L
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 100 guanti 

Resistenti a benzina 

Misura L


Misura XL

SKU: 6397/L
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 50 guanti 

Speciale grip 3D su tutto il palmo 

Idoneo ad usi pesanti 

Misura L


Misura XL

SKU: 6398
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 10000 guanti 

10 scatole ognuno delle quali contenente 100 guanti 

Guanti usa e getta per pompe di benzina 

Materiale in polietilene ruvido 

SKU: 6398/MI
Brand: N/A

Confezione da 1000 guanti 

Guanti usa e getta per pompe di benzina 

Materiale in polietilene ruvido 

SKU: 8986
Brand: N/A

Guinzaglio per cani 

Con aggancio cintura di sicurezza 

SKU: 4027
Brand: N/A

Rubber front mat (1 piece) 


Size: 150X74cm  

Carpet for minivans, vans,4x4...

SKU: 4028
Brand: N/A

Rubber back mat (1 piece) 


Size: 150X60cm  

Carpet for minivans, vans,4x4...

SKU: 30973
Brand: N/A

Hail coverings for cars 

MEASURE S: Length 400cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cm 

MEASURE M: Length 425cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cm 

MEASURE L: Length 475cm Height 117.5cm Width 162.5cm 

MEASURE XL: Length 525cm Height 120cm Width 175cm 

MEASURE XXL: Length 575cm Height 120cm Width 203cm

SKU: 30983
Brand: N/A

Hail covers for suv 

MEASURE S:Length 430cm Height 145cm Width 165cm 

MEASURE M:Length 460cm Height 145cm Width 175cm   

MEASURE L:Length 490cm Height 145cm Width 185cm 

MEASURE XL: Length 520cm Height 155cm Width 185cm

SKU: 81499/6
Brand: N/A

in RUBBER, for 9142, 9143, 8972, 9210

SKU: 9136
Brand: N/A

Igienizzante Abitacoli

150 ml

pulisce ed elimina i batteri dai sistemi di climatizzazione e dell’abitacolo dell’auto

SKU: 14643
Brand: N/A

Igienizzante Abitacoli

150 ml

Pulisce ed elimina i batteri dai sistemi di climatizzazione e dell’abitacolo dell’auto

SKU: 6242
Brand: N/A

Imbuto flessibile 

Diametro 17cm con filtro 

SKU: 6241
Brand: N/A

Imbuto inclinato

Diametro 11,5cm con filtro 

SKU: 6240
Brand: N/A

Imbuto rigido 

Diametro 12cm con filtro 

SKU: 3156/20
Brand: N/A

Confezione minima da 20 pezzi 

Tappeto in gomma

Dimensioni: 42x44cm

SKU: 8928
Brand: N/A

Kata magnetic ski rack 

Magnetic plates: 24x30cm 

For 2 pairs of skis or 2 snowboards 

Ok carving, downhill or cross-country skis

Color: Black 

Made in Italy 

TÜV NORD GS approved 

Complies with the ISO/PASS11154:2007 standard  

City Crash Test, Dynamic Test and Static Test 

SKU: 3153/10
Brand: N/A

Confezione minima da 10 pezzi 

Tappeto anteriore in gomma 

Dimensioni: 42x55cm 

SKU: 1/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 1

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 10/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 10

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 8644/10
Brand: N/A

Kit 10 hooks for license plate holder 

Black color


SKU: 16/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 16

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 18/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 18

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 19/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 19

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 23/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 23

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 24/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 24

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 25/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 25

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 3/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 3

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 30/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 30

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 32/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 32

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 33/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 33

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 35/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 35

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 36/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 36

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 38/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 38

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 4/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 4

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 4759
Brand: N/A

For bars with rails, sizes

No. 2 25x20 mm, height 20 mm;

No. 2 25x20 mm, height 35 mmF

SKU: 40/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 40

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 41/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 41

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 43/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 43

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 44/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 44

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 46/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 46

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 47/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 47

Kit staffe per barre Gev

Per auto senza barre longitudinali

Da aggiungersi ad uno dei seguenti modelli:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 48/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 48

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 49/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 49

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 5/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 5

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 52/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 52

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 53/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 53

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 54/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 54

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 55/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 55

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 56/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 56

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 57/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 57

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 58/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 58

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 59/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 59

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 6/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 6

Kit staffe per barre Gev

Per auto senza barre longitudinali

Da aggiungersi ad uno dei seguenti modelli:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 60/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 60

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 61/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 61

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 62/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 62

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 63/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 63

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 64/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 64

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 65/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 65

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 66/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 66

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 67/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 67

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 68/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 68

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 69/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 69

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 70/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 70

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 71/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 71

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 72/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 72

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 73/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 73

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 74/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 74

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 75/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 75

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 76/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 76

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 77/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 77

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 78/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 78

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 79/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 79

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 2146
Brand: N/A

Kit 8 buttons for license plate holder 

7 blue 

1 white 

2 white hooks 


SKU: 2144
Brand: N/A

Kit 8 rivets for license plate holder 

7 blue 

1 white 


SKU: 2142
Brand: N/A

Kit 8 screws for license plate holder 

7 blue 

1 white 


SKU: 80/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 80

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 81/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 81

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 82/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 82

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 83/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 83

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 84/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 84

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 85/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 85

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 9/04
Brand: N/A

Kit 9

Gev bar bracket kit

For cars without longitudinal bars

To be added to one of the following models:

Discovery 1

Discovery 2

Discovery 3


SKU: 8153
Brand: N/A

Completo di compressore e liquido sigillante 

Sostitutivo della ruota di scorta per auto 

In 5 minuti sei di nuovo in viaggio senza cric e ruota di scorta 

Made in USA 

SKU: 8152
Brand: N/A

Completo di compressore e 2 flaconi di liquido sigillante 

Sostitutivo della ruota di scorta per auto 

In 5 minuti sei di nuovo in viaggio senza cric e ruota di scorta 

Made in USA 

SKU: 4850
Brand: N/A

Art. 4850 (Kit C)

Family kit to be added to bar 4842

Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic material 

Specific for Panda I series up to 2002 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 4851
Brand: N/A

Art. 4851 (Kit B)

Family kit to be added to bar 4842

Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic material 

Made in Italy 

SKU: 4849
Brand: N/A

Art. 4849 (Kit A)

Family kit to be added to bar 4842

Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic material 

Made in Italy 


SKU: 4852
Brand: N/A

Art. 4852 (Kit D)

Family kit to be added to bar 4842

Steel kit coated with scratch-resistant plastic material 

Specific for Panda I series up to 2002 

Made in Italy 

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